Saturday, March 05, 2005

Tales from Prison, with Martha Stewart

From, via Kos:

MARY SNOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Wolf, she's certainly getting her first taste of freedom after spending five months in prison. Earlier this morning, she came out. She's certainly not shying away from the cameras.

She told reporters that she's feeling fine, that she's feeling great. And she even offered reporters and photographers camped outside of her house some coffee and doughnuts. And she also shared a story about not having cappuccino in prison.


MARTHA STEWART, MARTHA STEWART LIVING OMNIMEDIA: And this is a funny. All (UNINTELLIGIBLE) asked the guards every day for a cappuccino. You know, just as a joke. And they'd come in with their cups of coffee and stuff.

And so I get here, and I have a spot for a cappuccino machine. And it didn't work. So I don't have any cappuccino.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She doesn't have any cappuccino.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Want me to get you one?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She doesn't have any cappuccino. The cappuccino machine does not work.

The "deplorable daily living conditions" in most of our prisons is a serious problem. Sometimes famous people come out of jail and become spokespersons for this cause, like Susan McDougal. Others, like Martha Stewart, joke about missing cappuccino. Nice...