I Read the News Today, Oh Boy...
In case you're wondering what's going on in the Metropolitan Twin Cities area today, here's a quick breakdown, in order, of all the stories at the top of the Metro/Region page of the Star Tribune's site today:
• Illness
• Crime
• Big Lawsuit
• Rising tuition
• Murder
• Crime
• Crime
• Kidnapping
• Fatal Crash
• Murder
• Illness
• Crooked politicians
• Winter Carnival
• Traffic
• Traffic Jam
• Car Crash
Ok, you should now have a pretty good idea of what life is like in the Twin Cities. We kill each other, commit a lot of crimes, catch lots of illnesses, sue each other, get in automobile accidents and have a carnival each winter to celebrate it all.
Funny, if you go to the metro page of other city's papers, it looks like they pretty much do the same stuff - minus the Winter Carnival.
Is this why people don't read/watch the news?