Tuesday, January 25, 2005

George W. Bush's "Culture of Life"

George W. Bush, yesterday:

"We are working to promote a culture of life"
A quick look at George W. Bush's "culture of life":

• 17,703 dead Iraqis

• 1,372 dead American soldiers

• Ranking 35th in the world in infant mortality rate.

35.9 million Americans living in poverty with nearly one in five Americans under 18 living in poverty.

3.8 million Americans losing health care since Bush took office.

• Ordering Torture.

• Presiding over 152 executions, often with inadequate information (and then nominating the guy who gave you that information for Attorney General).

Killing the environment

• Repealing Roe v. Wade


If you're not disturbed enough already, look at this analysis of the religious language in Bush's inaugural address.