Saturday, November 06, 2004

Blog Title Explanation

Apparently the new blog title isn't as obvious to everyone as I thought it would be. It's a Spinal Tap reference. You know, the "mockumentary" of the infamous British Heavy Metal band? Apparently not everyone has seen it. Such a shame.

Anyway, there's a scene where Nigel Tufnel, the band's guitarist, is explaining his amps to the documentary filmaker. Here's the conversation, which, thanks to a Spinal Tap Fan Site, you can also listen to here:

Nigel: ...the numbers all go to eleven. Look...right across the board.
Marty: Ahh...oh, I see....
Nigel: Eleven...eleven...eleven....
Marty: And most of these amps go up to ten.
Nigel: Exactly.
Marty: Does that mean it's...louder? Is it any louder?
Nigel: Well, it's one louder, isn't it?...One louder.
Marty: Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?
Nigel: These go to eleven.
So, no, me naming the blog after this does not mean I'm bragging about how much better my blog is than other blogs. Unless, perhaps, you mean "better than other blogs" in the same sense that you might mean "Spinal Tap is better than other bands."

And of course I recognize that this reference gives absolutely no hint at the actual content of my blog. I tried to do that and they all sucked.