Friday, October 29, 2004

Ventura on Bush

Jesse Ventura actually spoke about his endorsement of Kerry the other day. This guy's hilarious. A few quotes:

Addressing community college students in White Bear Lake and Anoka, Ventura also explained his new-look braided beard ("I did this for a simple reason: I stand for freedom") and his setting-aside of third-party politics for this presidential campaign.


He bragged of having lost 40 pounds since leaving office in January 2003. "I'm back in shape," he said, flexing his biceps and thrusting his chest. "In the public sector you can get fat and lazy."

He said he no longer talks to news reporters partly because of media accounts of his son's parties in the governor's mansion and partly because of his exclusive contract with the cable-TV network MSNBC. Network spokesman Jeremy Gaines told the Associated Press that Ventura's contract only governs his television appearances.

"They won't put me on the air because I opposed the Iraq war from Day 1," he said of the network. "I honor my contract because they send me a check every two weeks."
He still gets a check? That's bizarre. I'd heard the reason his show got cancelled was because it was just really bad. Does anyone remember him vocally criticizing the war in Iraq back then? Just curious.