Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Kelso's for Kerry

Edwards is in town today:

A second week of tit-for-tat campaign appearances brought Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards to the University of Minnesota, where he told young people that next week's election is in their hands.

Joined at today's rally by TV star Ashton Kutcher and members of the rock band Wilco, Edwards reminded a crowd of about 2,000 that Minnesota allows registration right up until polls close.


Kutcher, a 26-year-old Iowa native who stars on "That '70s Show'' and the MTV prank show "Punk'd,'' did his best to rev up the crowd before Edwards arrived. He apologized for voting for Bush four years ago.

"I thought he was like me. I thought he was a good old boy. I was punk'd,'' Kutcher said.
No! I missed Ashton!

(You see, now that posting is sooo much easier, watch how much the quality of my postings will drop.)